She's Fine
Back in 2017 I had a strange bout of syncope. The first time was at my (ex)boyfriend's house during quite the rager fraternity party - ironically I hadn't had a sip of alcohol that night. I remember vividly the sound of sirens and screaming downstairs as all the underage kids had to be told that the cops/ambulance weren't here for them but rather, me. ECG ran - fine. Blood pressure - fine. But I couldn't remember basic facts like the day or names of people I should have. EMT convinced me to get checked out at the ER and so I reluctantly obliged as long as I didn't have to ride with them because I did not want the $1000+ bill thrown on my parent's insurance. I was mad I had to even go in, so out I walked through the smokey hallways reeking of Natty Light and my boyfriend drove me to the hospital. It was luckily a quiet night for a Saturday, so we were able to get in and get a room. They ran some tests. You're not pregnant. You're not drunk. You're not...